Literature on bash and Linux in general [closed]

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Recommend 1-2 books for the initial study of Linux, preferably with an emphasis on learning bash. I bought "Ubuntu and Debian Linux for advanced: more than 1000 essential commands", but it is generally calculated for already experienced users and admins...

Author: Grundy, 2011-07-30

5 answers

Daniel J. Barrett's Pocket Guide to Linux.

Author: new_russian_man, 2011-07-30 07:43:21

There is a textbook Running Linux, in 2005 it was last reissued and even very successfully translated into Russian. It is very large, but it covers almost all aspects of working in Linux, including several chapters about programming in bash.

Author: rnd_d, 2011-07-31 12:45:13

Books are difficult to advise in my opinion in the modern world. I would recommend Introduction to Linux if there are no problems with English, and OpenNet.

Author: Tanya, 2011-07-30 07:44:00

Seems like a good site: Linux recipes. There's also and a good bash tutorial.

Author: AlexDenisov, 2011-07-30 07:45:01