pip python doesn't work on the command line

Pip doesn't work in python. What to do? I write on the command line - D:\python3>pip install pyinstaller

And outputs

"pip" не является внутренней или внешней
командой, исполняемой программой или пакетным файлом.

Tried through the folder python3\tools\scripts, still does not find

Author: K0T0V, 2019-08-01

2 answers

You need to add the folder where you have stored pip.exe to the system variable PATH. pay attention. This is not about pip.py, but about pip.exe!

This is done as follows: go to the Computer - > Properties - > Advanced system settings - > Environment variables. There, find Path and click edit. Put ; at the end of the list and add the path to the folder where you have pip.exe.

Author: V-Mor, 2019-08-01 13:42:04

Try reinstalling python. When you re-install: click "Custom installation" and select "pip" there. Personally, this helped me, but if you have several versions of python, then I advise you to delete everything and then reinstall! Good luck.

Author: Артём Блохин, 2019-08-01 19:34:28