Place responsive website

Guys good afternoon, next.

Is the first time I've done a website, and in my head I would do the desktop website first and then make the responsive modifications (reduce letter size, images, change some columns, etc...) for mobile and tablet.

So, I created my entire website and all the pages for desktop, then make the tablet, and then the mobile.

However, I went to watch some videos about making responsive website, and the guy said that if you use a term "mobile first", and if you start to create the site in the size of the mobile and then go increasing.

Is this mandatory? How do I make it responsive if I already have the site 100% ready for desktop?

And one more question: I realized that responsiveness is only in CSS. Is it possible to change something in HTML to be viewed only when it is on the screen of mobile or tablet?

Author: Lukas Monteiro, 2017-11-13

1 answers

First Question:

It is possible to make a website in both ways, as you have already developed the website on the desktop, you will be able to keep the concept of Desktop first and make from the largest to the smallest. What happens is that a few years ago it was noticed that the largest audience of websites came from the mobile, so it did not make sense to create a layout that was beautiful on the desktop, but only adapted to the mobile. Therefore, we began to develop the layout primarily for mobile. When if you work with mobile first just follow the logic of desktop first in a reverse way. It is developed first the mobile version, then tablet and last desktop. Although mobile first is a good practice, it is not mandatory.

Second question:

There are many frameworks today that help in front-end development. They are based on a grid system that helps and a lot to develop 100% responsive websites. The best known of these is the bootstrap. Think valid you take a look at the documentation.

About font and background settings in responsive, you need to create in css @ media queries to apply styles only for a certain screen size

Author: tthaisnunes, 2017-11-13 21:06:54