Plot a graph of the charging and discharging of a capacitor in MATLAB

I need to create a program that shows through the plot the charge and discharge of a capacitor as shown below:

load discharge

Are 3 constants where the user needs to enter the values: C = capacitance; R = resistance E = source voltage (example; a 20V Source);

I managed to make the load graph through this code:


Author: Carlos Diego, 2016-05-06

1 answers

If you want to make the theoretical graph just continue the same way you started, asking for the values and showing the figure for one and the other case. It can show the result in the same figure or separate figures. I recommend using a Time t dependent on the value of Tau. A capacitor fully charges/discharges at 5 * Tau, so the following code shows figures always adjusted to the value of Tau.

C = input ('Digite o valor do condensador (em uF): ')
R = input ('Digite o valor da resistencia (em Ohms): ')
E = input ('Digite o valor da fonte de tensao (em V): ')

C = 10^-6
Tau = R * C;

t = linspace (0,5*Tau,100); %100 amostras de 0 a 5*Tau segundos

figure (1)
hold on
% carga do capacitor
plot (t,E*(1-exp(-t/(R*C))),'b-')

% descarga do capacitor
%figure (2)  %para graficos separados descomente essa linha
plot (t,E*(exp(-t/(R*C))),'r-')
Author: Nino Pereira, 2016-12-13 15:09:19