Pluggable com object and IntelliSense

There is a com object written in delphi in the form of a dll. I connect it to the project via Add Reference..->Browse. But I can't look at the link either Object Browser, or add it to the using class (highlighted in red). What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it (if possible)?

Author: MaboUhha, 2015-02-16

1 answers

As it turned out, before adding a link to the project, you need to add the com object to the windows register using the program " registr32 - ". . After that, add the link via Add Reference -> COM

Http:// and here are some nuances about the work of the rsvr32, which should not be forgotten.

Author: MaboUhha, 2015-02-19 09:20:50