Port 27015 does not open in Microsoft Azure

I am trying to open port 27015 on a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure. Created 2 rules in the VM control panel in Microsoft Azure (1 rule for incoming connection and another for outgoing connection). I also made 2 rules in the Windows firewall itself, configured it as a standard rule (for port 3389), but nothing helps, the ports are still closed. I tried to make a virtual machine with both Windows 2016 server and Windows 10 Pro, nothing helps. The problem is not only with port 27015, by the way, even the standard rules that are created when creating a virtual machine (the rule for port 80 and another one for 443) also do not work, the ports are also closed. Only the rule for port 3389 works - this port is opened. The opening of the port was checked via 2ip.ru (from the machine itself via RDP) and via portscaner.ru. Maybe somewhere else you need to configure something? For it took more than one hour, but the port did not open.

Author: Lyosha, 2020-07-09