Post something on my website and automatically post to facebook

Good afternoon, I have a doubt that matutando to understand. I saw in a system something very interesting that is when the person publishes some content on their site, has a button that you select to publish also on facebook. Like instagram Facebook, when you post a photo, you have the option to automatically post to facebook. How does this work in php? I have no basis.

Author: Victor, 2017-03-22

1 answers

I've been researching and all this works via API. API is a set of programming routines and patterns for accessing a Web-based software application or platform. The acronym API refers to the English term "Application Programming Interface" which means in Portuguese translation "Application Programming Interface". An API is created when a software company intends for other software creators to develop products associated with their service. Exist several of them that make their codes and instructions available to be used on other sites in the most convenient way for their users. Google Maps is one of the great examples in the area of APIs. Through its original code, many other websites and applications use Google Maps data adapting it in the best way in order to use this service.

Author: Victor, 2018-05-19 14:39:52