Predict Plot for adjusted Gamlss model

How do I make and plot the predict for this fitted Gamlss model?

My model is presented below.

mod<- gamlss(cbind(nfr, nv-nfr)~tt+tr1+d2+d3+random(as.factor(p ))+random(as.factor(id))+random(as.factor(no)), 
        data=ta, family = "BI")
Author: Everton Braga, 2020-08-04

1 answers

Following the example of book "Flexible Regression and Smoothing Using GAMLSS in R", the plot of the predicted values, adjusted, can be done following the example below.


# plot das observacoes
plot(lborev1~lboopen, data = film90, col = "lightblue")

insert the description of the image here

model <- gamlss(lborev1~pb(lboopen), data = film90, family = NO)

# plot das observacoes + valores ajustados
plot(lborev1~lboopen, col = "lightgreen", data = film90)
        film90$lboopen[order(film90$lboopen)], col = "red", lwd = 2)

insert the description of the image here

film90 <- film90 %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(lb2 = lboopen^2,
                lb3 = lboopen^3)
model2 <- gamlss(lborev1~lboopen + lb2 + lb3, data=film90, family=NO)

plot(lborev1~lboopen, col = "lightgreen", data = film90)
        film90$lboopen[order(film90$lboopen)], col = "grey10", lwd = 2)

insert the description of the image here

  plot(lborev1~lboopen, col = "lightgreen", data = film90)
          film90$lboopen[order(film90$lboopen)], col = "red", lwd = 2)
          film90$lboopen[order(film90$lboopen)], col = "grey10", lwd = 2)

insert the description of the image here

You can also plot using ggplot2.

ggplot2::ggplot(film90) +
  geom_point(aes(x = lboopen, y = lborev1), col = "lightgreen", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_line(aes(x = film90$lboopen[order(film90$lboopen)],
                y = fitted(model)[order(film90$lboopen)]), col = "red") +
  geom_line(aes(x = film90$lboopen[order(film90$lboopen)],
                y = fitted(model2)[order(film90$lboopen)]), col = "black") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(4, 20),
                     expand = c(0, 0)) +

insert the description of the image here

Since your example is not fully reproducible, I adapted a little this one from the book. But I believe that you will have no problem adapting to your case.

term.plot(model2, pages = 1, partial = T)

insert the description of the image here

Larger examples of term.plot() use can be found here or here..

Author: bbiasi, 2020-08-05 23:07:50