Problem when working with IIS database

I published my project in IIS. When working with the database, it returns the following error :" The RefsDB database requested by the login cannot be opened. Failed to log in. An error occurred when logging in to the user "IIS APPPOOL\APIReference". "

Please tell me in which direction to dig or the algorithm for solving this problem.

P.S. DB - MSSQL. Project - ASP.NET.

Author: Llirik 21, 2019-04-28

1 answers

The error "Unable to open database X requested by login name Y" means that the user was allowed on the server, but the database with this name was not on the server.

Create a database with this name, or transfer a ready-made database from the dev machine to the server.

Author: PashaPash, 2019-04-29 07:28:20