Problem with urllib3 and Twitter API

Save elbows on duty

I am using this font for Twitter API


When running the error examples:

File '', line 1, in from TwitterAPI import TwitterAPI File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/TwitterAPI/", line 10, in from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import ReadTimeoutError, ProtocolError ImportError: cannot import name ReadTimeoutError

Has anyone already used the api and knows how to solve?

Author: novic, 2016-03-24

1 answers

The problem is that your requests package is in an old version. You need to make a upgrade. These packages use urllib3. On the command line, run:

pip install requests --upgrade

Or, to upgrade everything the Twitter API uses, run:

pip install TwitterAPI --upgrade

Since You Are Using Python 2.7, you may need to install pip: install pip.

Author: Jonas, 2016-10-13 20:52:12