Problem with vk-api

I Googled until the ideas for requests ran out, and I didn't find a clear answer. Python 3.8, clean,except for the vk-api module, there are no others. Who faced this, tell me what to do

import vk_api
from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vk_api.longpoll'; 'vk_api' is not a package

Author: Илья, 2020-08-16

1 answers

Try importing like this

import vk_api.vk_api

from vk_api.bot_longpoll import VkBotLongPoll
from vk_api.bot_longpoll import VkBotEventType

Not longpoll,but bot_longpoll

Author: Riangry, 2020-08-17 02:28:12