Problems with the dd command

Hello comrades.After entering the command dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb, my flash drive stopped working(the command fdisk-l does not output dev/sdb ), Windows and any other distribution does not see it either(it worked under ubuntu 10.04).Before that, everything worked

Author: Apache12, 2013-05-08

2 answers

So you zeros erased everything on your flash drive, including the partition table, which is located in the first 512 bytes. With the command

Fdisk /dev/sdb

You will get into the markup mode of your flash drive, then press m for help, or immediately n to create a new partition, then specify the number, size, etc., and after you are told that the partition has been created, press w to save the changes.

Author: pyatak, 2013-05-08 11:46:31

Or you can use gparted, it's much simpler. Maybe it will be more convenient for you.

Author: PocketSam, 2013-05-09 12:43:24