Prototype and proto what is it all about?

I came across this picture:

The picture shows that we have some kind of function(I understand the constructor, here I would also like some explanation). It has 2 properties that lead to Foo. prototype and Function.prototype. The question is difficult to formulate, because I do not understand what these 2 different prototypes are. Can you chew?

Author: Torin_21, 2020-08-08

1 answers

A function is an object, and all objects have a hidden property, the value of which is the prototype object on which it was created.

For functions, such a prototype is the object Function.prototype.

Also, each function has a property .prototype.

If you use a function as a constructor (call with the new operator), the value of this property will be used as a prototype for the object being created.

Author: Grundy, 2020-08-08 08:58:24