Push back password change in Win7

Given: a work computer entered in the company domain. I went on a business trip, completely forgetting that just at this time the password change required by security policies falls. I can't do this when I'm not on a local network:

Не удалось получить данные о конфигурации от контроллера домена. Либо он отключен, либо к нему нет доступа.

I don't want to be left without a working car. Are there any options to at least move the password change deadline?

UPD. I went under the VPN to the domain network and changed the password. It's alright.

Author: Denis Khvorostin, 2014-02-12

1 answers

Log in as a local user

Author: Vitozzz, 2014-02-12 11:43:44