Python. Sets

I made a program, everything works, but if 1 task still outputs normally, then 2 does not, because you need the numbers to be in ascending order. Maybe I'm not handling numeric sets correctly.

Task: there is a set of integers {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 1)Make a function that will count the number of unique digits in the number n. 2) Outputs in ascending order all the digits that are not present in the number n

My code:

n = input("Число: ")
a = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}

result=list(set(a) & set(n))

Author: Maksey, 2021-01-07

1 answers

If I understood the problem correctly then so:

num = input()

task1 = len(set(num))

task2 = sorted(set('0123456789') - set(num))

Author: Zhihar, 2021-01-07 19:17:48