Question about the GPL 2 + license

I want instructions. Step-by-step and unambiguous :)

Locally, there was a discussion, but everyone came to the conclusion that the GPL is ambiguously understood.

Total, dry squeeze. There is a utility that is distributed under the GPL. On its basis, a library was made, exclusively for personal use. If you want to publish this library publicly, what should you do?

Synopsis: some files were left unchanged, some modified (some-almost to unrecognizability, except that something remains at the level of function prototypes), others have been added.

Author: Vladimir, 2015-05-08

1 answers

You also need to distribute under the GPL version 2+. Short by steps:

  • Place the header required by the license in each file.
  • Do not forget to also specify all the copyright holders in the header.
  • Attach the license text to the library.

Useful links:

Author: Vladimir, 2015-05-08 18:08:46