Questions about using dynamic maps

My sister sells Avon and I decided to do a very simple thing which is her customer records. So far so good, but I would like to add the Google Maps map on her website. I found the Google API but with a lot of things, what I want is simple thing, when opening the customer registration has 3 tabs HOME / ADDRESS / MAP By clicking on the tab " map " I would like inside the DIV or IFRAME or other element, to show me the map of the address of the her client. It's a simple thing, something like this:


If I change the ZIP code and put my street and copy the link and paste in the browser it opens the link right, now if I put it inside a DIV or a IFRAME it does not load.

How to solve?

Author: Maniero, 2014-01-29

1 answers

Try to make the URL in this format:<CEP_COM_TRACO>,%20Brasil&output=embed

An example of how it would look:,%20Brasil&output=embed

This is because the Google Maps Preview (new Google Maps) you are using needs to be used by someone who is logged in to Google and has agreed to test this new version!

Hope it helps!

Author: rodolfo42, 2014-01-29 18:10:25