raise the win 10 proxy server

You need to raise the proxy server on your home computer, so that you can use my IP as a proxy remotely. Did as shown here http://skesov.ru/kak-podnyat-prosteyshiy-proksi-server-na-windows/ using the 3proxy program. Does not work. Can the problems be due to the fact that the computer is connected via a router and the IP is static gray?

Author: kirman, 2017-10-02

2 answers

In order for the proxy server to work, you need access to your computer. To do this, you must have a white IP address. If you are connected to the Internet via a router, then you need to configure Static NAT on the router. Since the number of white IP addresses is limited, providers charge a certain fee for them. To ensure high availability of the server, I recommend looking for a VDS server. They are not expensive and will avoid problems in the future

Author: , 2017-10-02 14:47:35

Got a white ip. At the command line, I entered ipconfig and took the IPv4 address, which I specified in the DMZ. Everything worked.

Author: kirman, 2017-10-04 09:57:12