Rand () php randomly the number suggested for ModX

Good afternoon. There are 3 numbers, for example (20, 125, 25) You need to run a random number to get one of these numbers

I have a call to getResources


It is necessary to output one of the resources randomly instead of &parents

Author: Kamil NHOT, 2018-01-24

2 answers

$arrNumb = array(20,125,25);
$randNumb = $arrNumb[rand(0,2)];
Author: Node_pro, 2018-01-24 11:35:12

In general, there are 2 options: simple, simple(but more difficult) -

Plain: Creating a randomItems snippet:

$items = array(20,132,21,125,22,23,117,25,142,24);

return $items[rand(0,9)];

Disadvantages:The client (manager) will have to go to the snippet in order to change the called resources (collections whose elements are displayed on the page)

Calling the snippet:



$items = explode(",",$items);

for ($i=0; $i <count($items) ; $i++)
    $items[i] *= 1;

return $items[rand(0,count($items) - 1)];

Here we accept an array of strings from a chunk (or template, or whatever). The explode is divided into an array of strings with a separator ",". So we use a loop to convert strings to numbers and retract the random number.

Calling the snippet:

            &parents=`[[!randomItems? &items=`20,132,21,125,22,23,117,25,142,24`]]`

Do not forget the exclamation mark (!), so that the elements are not cached and always display different elements

Author: Kamil NHOT, 2018-01-25 11:54:53