Use AndroidStudio on AMD processor to run and debug an app

Good Night.

Today I have installed Android Studio and I am testing my first app. I have followed the steps of a tutorial, and everything goes well. However when running my application to debug Android Studio throws me the error that the emulator can not be run because I do not have Vt Virtualization technology enabled, present only on Intel processors.

Is there any way to run my app on my pc with AMD.? FX 6300 supports virtualization.

Thank you very much.

Author: Miguel AvendaƱo, 2016-04-07

1 answers

In many cases virtualization is disabled by fabrica, you just have to activate it on your processor.

Turn on the laptop press f2 or f1 to enter the bios find a menu of features or CPU you must have a VT-Virtualization option Set it to ENABLE or activate Press F10 or Save Changes and exit And you should already be able to virtualize your Android OS

Recommendation; you can run your application on your mobile phone if you have android phone, you just have to activate the USB debugging or developer mode. It's different on every phone, you can google it. It will save you a lot of running time on the virtual machine of android studio.


Author: , 2016-04-07 06:31:20