Export data from a database and upload file to dropbox C#

I would like to know if it is possible and if it is how would the code or an example of how to do it for mobile devices or Windows CE?.

I'm programming in visual studio 2008, SQL Compact 3.5, .NET Compact.

Author: Marc Lemien, 2016-09-12

1 answers

Accounts with .NET libraries that allow you to interact with the dropbox service

Dropbox.NET is our .NET SDK for API v2

Examples use asp.net mvc if you look at the EditController you will see that it uses the UploadAsync() to upload the file

using (var client = this.currentUser.GetAuthenticatedClient())
            if (client == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Profile", "Home");

            using (var mem = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content)))
                var upload = await client.Files.UploadAsync("/" + filename, body: mem);

                var metadata = ArticleMetadata.Parse(upload.Name, upload.Rev);

                return Redirect(string.Format(

The theme would validate if from the device created in win Ce you can use the library

Otherwise you're going to have to create an api web service in asp.net mvc and send the file to this to upload it to dropbox

Author: Leandro Tuttini, 2016-09-12 16:01:47