Receive IRC client VB messages

Hello, I'm having a hard time getting the messages from an IRC connection made in VB, Here the code: Connection to irc VB The library has already been added As an IrcClient reference.dll. This saying that irc_ChannelMessage can not handle the event, peocurei about it but I did not succeed. Error

Here is the project with the method " sender as Object, and the ChannelMessageEventArgs "

But when calling "Message" it does not recognize as being from IRC send as Object, and as ChannelMessageEventArgs

Dim withevents irc As IrcClient

Public Under Connect() irc = New IrcClient ("chat. freenode. net: 6665") irc.Nick = txtNick.Text irc.JoinChannel ("##C++") irc.Connect() lblstates.Text = " Connected Irc Server." End Under

Public Sub ircChannelMessage (sender As Object, and as ChannelMessageEventArgs) handles irc.ChannelMessage txtmessages.AppendText (Message & vbNewLine) txtmessages.ScrollToCaret() lblmessages.Text = " Reading Messages." End Sub


Author: By Deppy, 2019-06-24

1 answers

Method parameters irc_ChannelMessage are not correct.

From the error message, it seems that the correct would be to put the following signature:

Private Sub irc_ChannelMessage(sender As Object, e As ChannelMessageEventArgs) Handles irc.ChannelMessage
End Sub
Author: Ricardo, 2019-06-24 14:46:07