Recover most viewed videos from youtube channel

How do I retrieve the 5 most viewed videos from my Youtube channel to put on my site?

Author: LCarvalho, 2015-05-13

1 answers

The search.list method allows you to search for videos, channels, or playlists that match specified criteria. You can search based on video properties, keywords or topics (or a combination of these), and you can sort the results based on factors such as creation date, views, etc.

My Most Viewed Videos: this request retrieves all of the authenticated user's video and lists them in descending order by View ( viewcount ), see the example below.

GET {base_URL}/search?part=snippet

Like other YouTube data API requests, the search.list method returns the default JSON representation.

If you need more details about the request APIs: YouTube API Requests

Author: Dirty Old Man, 2015-05-13 14:51:57