Redirection from other domains (http/https) to the main one (https)

This Is guys!

I am having a doubt about https redirection.

I have a domain ".com" (SSL installed), but, the " "does not have SSL I only do the redirect to the". com " with SSL, so far blz, but, if I try to access the site gives the browsing privacy error (your connection is not private). I would have to buy SSL for the domain. "" also or has some way to solve this through the .htaccess?


Author: Sotnas Leunam Pina, 2017-11-02

1 answers

You will need to purchase an SSL certificate for the domain also or add the domain as an alternative domain to use that certificate if the issuer allows, because before the browser interprets the redirects or anything else from the site its certificate is checked.

Author: Leone Cerqueira, 2017-11-02 17:15:35