# REF! when deleting cells in another spreadsheet

Good Morning,

I have an Excel file with two worksheet, in 'Plan1' all data is deleted, and a MACRO I made, imports a TXT file and populates the 'Plan1', inserting data and calculations. In 'Plan2' the data is fixed and takes as reference the data of 'Plan1' , however when the data of ' Plan1 'is deleted, all references are lost in' Plan2', showing the error ' #REF!'.

Does anyone know any formula that does not use this reference that leads in consideration the excluded cells? Something where ' = Plan1!A5 'always evening' = Plan1!A5 'same as the' = Plan1!A5 ' has been deleted.

I'm already ahead of myself, the CIF (cipher) does not fit for this.

Author: Carlos Fagiani Jr, 2016-05-20

2 answers

The solution, let's say it's the easiest, was to rewrite the second worksheet with a macro. Since it is kind of static it worked out this way:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A5:O309"), Type:=xlFillDefault

Thanks for the help

Author: Carlos Fagiani Jr, 2017-03-15 14:39:43

$(cipher) is used to fix the position.

If you write = Plan1!A5 and copy this formula to the following columns, it will be replaced by = Plan1!B5, = Plan 1!C5.. and if you copy to the following lines, then they will be replaced by = Plan1!A6, = Plan1!A7....

If you want to fix the column you write = Plan1!$A5 and can copy to other columns that will remain the same and fixed the row with = Plan1!A$5, or can fix both = Plan1!$A$5. Regardless of where this formula is copied it will always point to the same place.

But Plan1 is there as a reference and will be replaced by # REF! everywhere it appears as soon as the spreadsheet is removed.

Author: Reginaldo Rigo, 2016-05-20 16:19:39