Remove printer dialog-PrintJob Java

In a Java application I do the printing by means of PrintJob, but the way I do the printing when calling the print method it opens a printer dialog box so that I choose which one to print on, I tried and could not make it print without having to call the dialog.

Follows my printing method below.

public void imprimir() {

    Frame f = new Frame("Frame temporário");
    f.setSize((int) 283.46, 500);

    Toolkit tk = f.getToolkit();

    PrintJob pj = tk.getPrintJob(f, "MP4200", null);

    if (pj != null) {
        Graphics g = pj.getGraphics();

    ...Aqui vai os dados impressos...



Author: DevAgil, 2015-05-22

1 answers

You may be trying to adapt this example I made friend to your need. In it, I print out an object of a class in Drawing, you must implement the Printable for an object to print, I get to call the parent class method print() object PrinterJob; so he's going to send you to print directly on the impessora, without showing the dialog when you try to print a PrinterJob of Toolkit - is always going to display the dialog box of the printers, there is no solution in this regard.

Class of the object to be printed.

public class Desenho implements Printable {
    // Deve implementar Printable para que seja um objeto imprimivel

    public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex)
            throws PrinterException {
        if (pageIndex > 0) {
            return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
        } else {
            // Renderiza um quadrado
            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics;
            int x = 90;
            int y = 90;
            g2d.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, 500, 500));

            // Mostra que imprimiu o objeto
            return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;

And the test class {[1]}

// Classe main para testar o exemplo
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Impressora imp = new Impressora();

public void imprimir() {
    PrinterJob impressor = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
    // Informo ao impressor o objeto que quero imprimir
    impressor.setPrintable(new Desenho()); 
    try {
        // Manda imprimir diretamente na impressora padrão
        // Abre a caixa de dialogo de impressão
        // impressor.printDialog();
    } catch (PrinterException e) {


Author: Flavio Aparecido Ribeiro, 2015-06-02 12:48:06