Responsibilities of junior C# developer [closed]

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Tell me what you need to know in order to get a job as a junior C# developer.

Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2011-07-28

2 answers

The example is taken from RSDN.

General technical issues:

  1. How do you see yourself as a Senior Developer?
  2. Why do you want to work as a programmer?
  3. What are the properties of modern MS development tools that can increase the productivity of a programmer?
  4. What are the differences between ADO technologies and ADO.NET?
  5. What are the differences between the technologies ASP.NET, PHP and Perl?
  6. What is polymorphism?
  7. What are the main concepts of OOP?
  8. How well do you know a particular technology?
  9. Are you ready to understand this and that?
  10. Which areas are you more interested in (implementation of server logic, implementation of algorithms, use of WinWorms, DB)?
  11. Why did you choose this particular direction (for example, .NET, and not C++)?
  12. What heuristics did you use to solve this and this problem? What is a heuristic in in principle?

Technical issues:

  1. The private and protected modifiers. Differences.
  2. What is the difference between the expressions: a++ and ++a. Give an example of the code.
  3. What are Generics and what problems do they solve?
  4. Tell us about the class method parameter modifiers: in, out, ref.
  5. Write a procedure for removing an arbitrary element from a singly linked list.
  6. Write a string reversal procedure.
  7. Change the values of two variables of type int, without using the third variable.
  8. Type conversion in C#.
  9. What is sealed class?
  10. What is an abstract class? Differences from the interface.
  11. Types of types in C#.
  12. What is the IDisposable interface for?
  13. Can an int variable be set to null? Give an example of the code.
  14. How do I set the rightmost zero bit in an arbitrary integer to one without using loops and recursion?
  15. Write an SQL query that selects the full name of all students who have at least 5 twos and the number of fives they received from the two tables Students(ID, FIO), Marks(StudID, Mark).
  16. Write a program in any algorithmic language that checks the correct placement of round "() " and square brackets "[]" in an arithmetic expression (possible modifications of the problem).
  17. How does a Turing machine differ from finite automata?
  18. What is serialization? What is it used for?

Also be ready to use UML and design patterns.

Author: stck, 2011-07-29 05:10:13

For such a position (Junior is a junior, that is, a novice, a beginner), nothing special is needed: the work is largely not independent, but under the guidance of an older friend. We usually take guys who have been programming somewhere for a year or two. And they don't even have to know C#.

Author: stanislav, 2011-07-29 08:34:37