Return dynamic Struct in Go

How could I have a dynamic return in Go using struct ?


func teste() (*struct, err){ 
  type t struct {
  return t, nil

The problem is that I wouldn't want to create a struct for each method that needs to return something different. I didn't want to return the complete object and I wanted it in the best way, I wouldn't need to reuse this struct in any location except this one, so I wanted to leave it inside func.

Author: Mateus Veloso, 2020-01-27

1 answers

I was able to solve in a short time after asking the question. I'll leave the answer here to help the community.

Example of the code that would solve this situation.

func teste() (struct{name string},error){
  t := struct {
    name    string
  return t, nil

This way I was able to return a dynamic struct, not having to have it created outside of func.

Author: Mateus Veloso, 2020-01-27 14:29:37