Root rights on iOS

Why do I need Root rights and why is there no way to get them on the iPhone? What are they for?

Author: Igor R., 2019-09-11

1 answers

If you bought an iOS device on credit, then feel free to do Jailbreak because you simply do not have enough money for all the best from the AppStore. It is this consideration that is guided by 99% of people who make Jailbreak. They also include people who bought a device tied to the operator at a discount (contract) and want to untie it from the latter. The remaining 1% uses Jailbreak to customize the phone (change the functionality and appearance of Springboard, customize standard applications, upgrade the standard dialer or turn off unnecessary daemons). If you do not fall into these 2 categories, then do not use the means of obtaining Root rights in iOS. From a programmer's point of view, I'm more than sure that if you were, you wouldn't be asking this question on SO.

Since iOS is a closed operating system that does not allow you to customize the appearance and functionality of Springboard (aka GUI), for the most part this was one of several reasons for creating Jailbreak. The second was, untying the device from the operator (the name itself speaks for itself). Maybe the other way around, I don't remember. And after that, the freeloaders pulled up with a store of broken programs from the AppStore like Installous.

In Android OS, the Launcher is used as the GUI, which can be changed by installing another one separately as a program from the Play Market and setting it as the default launcher. This will allow you to change the appearance of the menu and the functionality beyond recognition without any problems. So Root Android rights use more for patching and tweaks.

I hope I have fully revealed the true meaning of your question.

Author: Rootware, 2019-09-11 16:44:07