Rstudio: Cyrillic alphabet is displayed incorrectly in the script

I downloaded a script containing the Cyrillic alphabet. When opening in Rstudio, there are incomprehensible characters instead of Russian words. The same thing happens when plotting graphs. If I change the script myself, then there are no problems with the Cyrillic alphabet. The problem is that I need to understand exactly what is written in the downloaded script. How do I do this?

# будет возвращать относительные частоты).
hist(data, plot = TRUE, freq = TRUE, col = "darkviolet", ylab = "Частота", xlab = "Рнтервалы")
Author: dreamgmo, 2020-03-28

1 answers

Open the file in Rstudio. Click on the File tab (upper-left corner), select "Reopen with encoding". Most likely, it is UTF-8.

To save the file and not re-open it every time, select "save with encoding" and CP1251 in the File. It is important to do this AFTER re-opening the file with the required encoding.

Author: Дима Мандрик, 2020-03-30 12:45:53