Repeat playback of animated banner

I made an animated banner in Google Web Designer and I can already display it in the browser, but it only shows or plays once.

How can I make it play infinitely?

Author: César, 2016-01-18

1 answers

You need to go into the Code tab (code view) and in the css change the value of repeats in animations from 1 to infinite, for example:

This is the default css code for{[3] animations]}

#page1.gwd-play-animation .gwd-gen-66zmgwdanimation {
  animation: gwd-gen-66zmgwdanimation_gwd-keyframes 1s linear 0s 1 normal forwards;

Then it would look like this:

#page1.gwd-play-animation .gwd-gen-66zmgwdanimation {
  animation: gwd-gen-66zmgwdanimation_gwd-keyframes 1s linear 0s infinite normal forwards;

This would solve your question.

Author: , 2016-01-19 20:18:14