Save email outbox

I would like to know if it is possible to save an email in the default email manager (Outlook, live mail, among others) output box using Indy10.

Today I already have a function to send e-mail, but calls the screen of new e-mail manager for each message. This for a single email works well, but if it is a direct mail ai is already bad, because it will open a new window for each email.

Below routine to send the email.

IdMessage.Subject := 'Assunto teste';
idMessage.ContentType := 'multipart/mixed';;
IdMessage.Body.Text := 'texto do email';
AdicionarDestinario(IdMessage.Recipients, '[email protected]');

Arquivo := 'c:\emails\email.eml';

ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(Arquivo), '','', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Author: Ariel Inacio Correa, 2016-03-18