Save JavaScript generated IE file using VBA

Dear, I am using the routine to access a page and download a file, which uses javascript to be generated, but I need this file to be saved automatically, without user intervention.

Sub ConnectWeb()
Dim ie As InternetExplorer
Dim C
Dim ULogin As Boolean, ieForm
Dim MyPass As String, MyLogin As String
Dim Linha As Integer
Dim PN As String
MyLogin = Application.InputBox("Por Favor entre com o Login", "Empresa", Default:="User", Type:=2)
MyPass = Application.InputBox("Por favor entre com a senha", "Empresa", Default:="Password", Type:=2)

Set ie = New InternetExplorer
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate "http://url"
Do Until ie.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
ie.Document.all("cuser").innerText = MyLogin
ie.Document.all("cpass").innerText = MyPass
ie.Document.getElementById("cent").Value = "BR"

Do While ie.Busy
PN = "D515005-5304"
'JavaScript to create file
ie.Document.parentWindow.execScript ("printPL('" & PN &         "','N%2FC','no')")

End Sub

After JavaScript appears that message from SaveAs and needed this option to be "clicked" automatically, or better yet, to be saved in a specific location.

Author: Thiago, 2017-07-26

1 answers

Dear, I chose to use chrome and found that javascript sends information via url, so I used the following Logic:

Sub teste()
Dim chromePath, PN As String
Dim Linha As Integer
chromePath = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"""
Linha = 2
Cells(Linha, "A").Select
Do While ActiveCell <> ""
    PN = Cells(Linha, "A").Value
    strURL = "" & PN & "&prelim=no&rev=N%2FC&filename=" & PN
    Shell (chromePath & strURL)
    Linha = Linha + 1
    Cells(Linha, "A").Select

MsgBox "Complete", vbInformation, "Empresa"
End Sub

With Chrome the download is done automatically, resulting in the expected result. Thank you to everyone who analyzed.

Author: Thiago, 2017-07-26 16:52:05