Saving a file to the cloud

So. I hope I will put the question correctly. This task: you need to save the selected file to the cloud in windows form. With that, I just registered the opening of a link to the cloud in WebBrowser..well, for example, I do it in the mail cloud. But that's it..logging in to the cloud storage doesn't work (opens other tabs). This is the first problem. The second do I transfer the file that I selected using OpenFileDialog? Help please. Because I was lost in the wilds. Maybe you should work on to another. Thank you very much in advance. Help out

Author: AliciaWulf, 2017-05-08

1 answers

To save a file to the cloud (any) you need to get the token first, and then use it to send the file.

Cloud does not have a public API. You can use reverse engineering methods, as described in the article which was suggested by tym32167, but this is a bad solution, because the undocumented API can change at any time without backward compatibility.

I recommend using the Google Drive cloud or DropBox.

Both services have well-documented APIs with libraries and examples.

Google Drive -

DropBox - Here are some fairly simple ready-made examples of authorizing and sending a file to the cloud

Author: Ivan Kramarchuk, 2017-05-10 14:58:27