Saving an html element to localStorage and output

There is a method that adds new div's to the page.

function add_element() {
        var parent = document.getElementById('component');
        var newelem = document.createElement('form');
        var title = document.createElement('input');
        var content = document.createElement('input');

        function save_element(){
            const parsed = JSON.stringify(parent);
            localStorage.setItem('hiDen', parsed);
        function get_element() {
            return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hiDen'));

    window.add = add_element;
    window.get_el = get_element;

Html code in the body

    <input type="button" id="button_modal" value="Добавить" onclick="modal_open()"/>

 <div id="component">

<div class="modal" id="modalDialog">
<form method="post" name="modalwindowpush">
    <input type="text" name="title">
    <input type="text" name="content">
<input type="submit" value="Закрыть" onclick="modal_close()">
<input type="button" value="Сохранить" onclick="add(); get_el()">

Javascript functions are written in the head (Here is only one of them - which is important for the situation). If it has a value - the "Save" button in the modal window of the page. But after the page is reloaded, the new div's disappear. What am I doing wrong? Does it matter that this is a JSP page?

Author: Andrew, 2018-12-04

2 answers

The problem is that you are trying to convert the DOM element using JSON. stringify. Try doing something similar:

function save_element(){
   const html = parent.innerHTML; //или целиком parent.outerHTML
   localStorage.setItem('hiDen', html);

Based on the question, based on your code:

var parent = document.getElementById('component');

function add_element() {
        var newelem = document.createElement('form');
        var title = document.createElement('input');
        var content = document.createElement('input');

        function save_element(){
            const parsed = parent.innerHTML;
            localStorage.setItem('hiDen', parsed);

function get_element() {
    parent.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('hiDen');
//сохраняете ваш элемент

Take a look at the example:

  1. Click "Add item"
  2. Reloading the page
  3. Click "Get item" - the item is inserted
  4. Click "Clear storage"
  5. Reload it page
  6. Click "Get item" - the item is no longer in the storage.
  7. You can repeat step 1.


Since you said that you have a JSP page(I can't help you with that), you should understand where and how your page is generated.

Here is the answer why your code doesn't work:


Next, you you should rewrite your code yourself to access localStorage in the browser, not on the server.

Author: Doigrales, 2018-12-06 06:30:17

And the casket just came off - I deployed the local host. And when the client interacts with the local host, localStorage does not work. I apologize for distracting you with such nonsense.

Author: Andrew, 2018-12-08 21:41:47