"Search declined" in Registro.br [closed]

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I'm trying to direct my domain to the nameservers I just set up on Amazon's AWS Route53. They work correctly, but I believe they are not responding for others domains beyond the root (oregionalsul.com).

To check the authority over a given domain, I am using a tool of its own Registro.br.

Nameserver configuration

See I have four nameservers main:

  • ns1.oregionalsul.com
  • ns2.oregionalsul.com
  • ns3.oregionalsul.com
  • ns4.oregionalsul.com

Domain DNS configuration tiagoboeing.com.br no WHM

Pay attention that this is another domain that has no connection with the root (oregionalsul.com)

To better understand, see the current configuration:

  • EC2 instance (with WHM and Cpanel installed)
  • Route53 do EC2 root domain (oregionalsul.com) - here is the configuration of the nameservers themselves.
  • the account of any other domain is created by WHM, the own nameservers configured in Route53 must answer for what is being hosted.
  • resale hosting configuration default, but in this case it is not for resale.

Author: Tiago Boeing, 2017-09-25

2 answers

Opa I also had this search problem declined! What I did first edited the la zone on registro.br and I put it according to what I had registered there on aws! Then I migrated the DNS to use the servers of the own registro.br and after allowing me to change the dns again I went there on Route53 deleted everything and created again! With the new links (generated in Route53) I changed in registro.br and it worked normally!

Author: Fellipe Augusto, 2018-03-14 16:44:06

Vc should create the zone in AWS route53 as public, if it is private it will give this error in the registro.br.

Author: Adriano Araújo Filgueira, 2018-09-27 21:46:15