Search for images using the command

I need help from you. I would like to find out how to write code for a bot that, at the command, for example. cat, looked for a picture with cats and sent it to the chat. I googled about it, but I didn't find anything that I understood.

Author: insolor, 2020-10-14

1 answers

Sample code:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import requests
import json

async def fox(self, ctx):
    response = requests.get('')# Здесь силка на картинки 
    json_data = json.loads(response.text)

    embed = discord.Embed(
        title = 'Лисичка..., няя!',
        colour =
        url = json_data['link']
    await ctx.send(embed = embed)

Follow this link to see more API for images, you just need to click on the Link to Api and then copy the site address and paste it here:

response = requests.get('адрес_сайта')
Author: xZartsust, 2020-10-15 05:30:31