Search query for a part of a word

Hello everyone, such a question, there is a servlet in it such a search query:

String query = "select * from clippersql.skisql where kiz='" + kiz + "'";

The problem is that the search occurs only by the full name of the field kiz, how do I make it so that it would search for, say, one letter or part of the field kiz?

Author: Sorpok, 2017-09-11

2 answers

There are two solutions - the LIKE operator and full-text search.

The first option is simple. To find all records where the kiz field starts with the data in the {[1] variable]}:

String query = "select * from clippersql.skisql where kiz like '" + kiz + "%'";

Setting up the second one is a non - trivial task, the description of which goes beyond the Stackoverflow format.

Author: Sergey Gornostaev, 2017-09-11 05:59:18

It is also possible to use a search based on trigrams. pg_trgm

-- создание индекса
CREATE INDEX trgm_idx ON words USING gist (word gist_trgm_ops);
-- пример самого поиска        
SELECT word, similarity(word, 'собака') AS sml FROM words 
      WHERE word % 'собака' 
      ORDER BY sml DESC, word;

select word from words order by w <-> 'risource' limit 5;

-- pg_trgm supports indexing of regular-expression searches 
select w from words where w ~ '^r.*sour.*e$';

Creating such an index optimizes the search for LIKE. that is, if you use {[5] in the app]}

where kiz like '%текст%'

That is, an index with trigrams is used to speed up such a search.

Author: Сергей Гринько, 2017-09-14 07:19:38