Security error when using getURL () in Firefox WebExtension

I try to port the extension from Chrome and get this error:

Security Error: Content at "" may not load or link to "moz-extension://04d69802-c26f-47ae-86f2-d54650455e5a/blocks/indicators/__icon/indicators__icon-tweet.png"

(function () {
  'use strict';
  var PATHS = {
    TWITTER: chrome.extension.getURL("blocks/indicators/__icon/indicators__icon-tweet.png")

In the manifest.json paths are specified in web_accessible_resources.

  "web_accessible_resources": [
Author: Nickolay, 2016-05-01

1 answers

You need to specify the full path to the resource in web_accessible_resources.

"web_accessible_resources": [
Author: stsdc, 2016-05-02 20:25:12