Separate bar chart-python [colab]

People How do I make the bars of income and expenses separate and not overlapped on the chart? Thank you for being able to help.

insert the description of the image here

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#saldo em caixa no início do período
saldo_inicial = 20000

valores = {
    'meses': ['janeiro', 'fevereiro', 'março'],
    'receitas': [80000, 50000, 90000],
    'gastos': [60000, 70000, 65000],    


#definindo o fluxo de caixa de cada período
fluxo_janeiro = saldo_inicial + valores['receitas'][0] - valores['gastos'][0]
fluxo_fevereiro = fluxo_janeiro + valores['receitas'][1] - valores['gastos'][1]
fluxo_marco = fluxo_fevereiro + valores['receitas'][2] - valores['gastos'][2]

print('>Série com o fluxo de caixa de janeiro à março:')
fluxo_de_caixa = [fluxo_janeiro, fluxo_fevereiro, fluxo_marco]

#criando um novo dicionáriouma para Series do fluxo de caixa
valores_series = {
    'meses': 'fluxo de caixa',
    'janeiro': fluxo_janeiro,
    'fevereiro': fluxo_fevereiro,
    'março': fluxo_marco,

#criando Series
df = pd.Series(valores_series);

#criando gráficos
plt.rc('figure', figsize = (15, 8))
area = plt.figure()

g1 = plt.plot(valores['meses'], fluxo_de_caixa, label = 'Fluxo de Caixa', color = 'gray', marker='o')       #plotando fluxo de caixa
g2 =['meses'], valores['receitas'], label = 'Receitas', color = 'blue')   #plotando receitas
g3 =['meses'], valores['gastos'], label = 'Gastos', color = 'red')     #plotando gastos
plt.title('Fluxo de caixa')

Author: Anderson Cunha, 2020-06-10

1 answers

insert the description of the image here

You have to assign a scaling to the columns, I redone the part of your code for you to use as a reference.There are other good examples in the matplotlib library

# importing libraries import pandas as pd

Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Import numpy as np#import these additional libs

From pylab import rcParams

RcParams ['figure.figsize'] = 10.4 # Setting the chart size

# cash balance at beginning of period start_pay = 20000

Values = { 'months': ['January', 'February','March'], 'revenue': [80000, 50000, 90000], 'expenditure': [60000, 70000, 65000],

Print (pd.DataFrame (values))

#defining the cash flow for each period flow_january = sald_initial + values ['revenue'] [0] - values ['expenditure'] [0] february_flow = january_flow + values 'recipes' - values 'expenses' mark_flow = february_flow + values ['revenue'] [2] - values ['expenditure'] [2]

Print ('\n') print ('>series with cash flow from January to March:') box_flow = [bank_flow, bank_flow, bank_flow]

# creating a new dictionary for cash flow Series series_values = { 'months':'cash flow', 'January': flow_january, 'February': february_flow, 'March': mark_flow, }

# creating Series df = pd.Series (series_values); print (df);

Assigning to a dataframe and generating the graph-new part of the code

Date = pd.DataFrame (values)

Labels = list (data['months'])

Recipes = list (round (date ['recipes'], 2))

Expenses = list (round (data ['expenses'], 2))

X = np.arange(len (labels))

Fig, ax = plt.subplots ()

Rects1 = (x, recipes, width=0.1, label= 'recipes')

Rects2 = (x + 0.1, expenses, width=0.1, label= 'expenses')

G1 = plt.plot (values ['months'], box_flow, label = 'Cash Flow', color = 'gray', marker='o')

Adding labels name, title, etc.

Ax.set_title ('cash flow') ax.set_xticks (x) ax.set_xticklabels (labels) plt.xticks (x, labels, rotation= 'vertical') ax.legend () ()

Author: Vigo Borges, 2020-06-13 02:12:52