Show the presence of FALSE/TRUE in the row cells and determine the proportion of the row in the row range

Please tell me how to create a formula for fulfilling the condition:

  1. If the cell value is "True", then output "1", if "False", then "0". Thus, you need to check several cells to get a value (for example, "101" when checking three cells).

enter a description of the image here

  1. The second formula should calculate the percentage of each of these values, for example: "000" - 15%, "001" - 20% and td.

enter a description of the image here

Result #1 is the 4th column. Result #2 is essentially a separate table with percentages for each type of the 4th column from result #1

Author: Дух сообщества, 2018-01-06

2 answers

There are three tasks in the question.

  1. Show the "code" that displays the position FALSE/TRUE in the range (column D in the figure).

If the range is small, a simple formula is sufficient:




In the first formula, we form a number and convert it to text, in the second-we convert logical expressions to 1/0 and combine it into the text

For large is applicable formula:

  1. Get unique values.

2.1. apply the add. calculations:

== defining the unique (column E in the figure)


= = get the list (column F in the figure):


2.2. extract the unique single formula (column F in the figure):


The array formula is entered by simultaneously pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter, the formula should be framed by curly brackets. after entering the formula in one cell, copy the cell to the range.

  1. Determining the weight (fraction) of each value (column G in the figure).

It's simple here:


enter a description of the image here

Author: vikttur, 2020-06-12 12:52:24

The logic is as follows:

1) Multiply each of the three cells by 4, 2, and 1, respectively, and add the resulting numbers. Then you apply the conversion to the binary system, there is such a function, I do not remember the exact name.

2) Apply СЧЁТЕСЛИ (COUNTIF) for each option, then calculate the percentage of each of the obtained values.

Author: Дмитрий, 2018-01-06 08:59:03