Singleton. private variable in the child of the Application class

In one of the answers on the forum there are these words:

It is better to create a private variable in the descendant of the Application class with a reference to the instance instead of a private static one in the sigleton class itself, if possible.

I'm confused, I can't understand the difference, please show me the code where everything is done according to this recommendation and the code where the variable is in the class itself.

Well, here is a variable in the class itself, it looks like this:

public class Singleton { 
 private static Singleton instance; 

 private Singleton (){} 

 public static Singleton getInstance(){ 
  if (null == instance){ 
   instance = new Singleton(); 
  return instance; 

Variable in I don't understand what the Application subclass looks like..Rather, because I do not understand what the benefits will be if you follow this recommendation.

The accepted answer in this question is the subject of my question Singleton in Android-evil?

Author: Turalllb, 2018-06-25

1 answers

Application-the base class for storing the global state of the application. You can use it like this (you need to add android: name=".MyApplication " to the file section AndroidManifest.xml):

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    private String mName;

    public void onCreate() {
        setName("Application instance is maintaining global application state");

    public void setName(String name) {
        mName = name;

    public String getName() {
        return mName;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        MyApplication myApplication = (MyApplication)getApplication();
        String s = myApplication.getName();
        Log.d("TAG", s);
        Log.d("TAG", myApplication.getName());

However, Google recommends using Singleton:

Note: There is normally no need to subclass Application. In most situations, static singletons can provide the same functionality in a more modular way. If your singleton needs a global context (for example to register broadcast receivers), include Context.getApplicationContext() as a Context argument when invoking your singleton's getInstance() method.


Author: relativizt, 2018-06-27 07:30:21