Singly linked list, deleting an element, C++

Good afternoon. There is such a code for deleting an item from the list

void del(int n) // n - позиция удаляемого элемента
    // Mass - объекты, которые хранятся в списке
    Mass *temp = HEAD, *helping = temp;

    if ((temp != NULL) && (n <= size) && (n >= 0)) // если по этому номеру что-то лежит и этот элемент внутри списка
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            helping = temp; // предыдущее значение temp
            temp = temp->Next;

        if (temp == HEAD) // если элемент который надо удалить первый
            helping = temp;
            temp = temp->Next;
            HEAD = temp;
            cout << "Удаляемый элемент: " << *helping;
            size--; // уменьшаем размер списка
        else // иначе, если он в середине или конце
            // 0 1 2 3 4
            // вводится, к примеру, 2. т.е. helping = 1, temp = 2;
            // 0 1 .. 3 4
            helping->Next = helping->Next->Next;
            // т.е. теперь 1 указывает не на 2, а на 3.

The beginning is worked out well, i.e. it removes the first element, but for some reason it does not work out the other elements. I think about it for the second day, my head is boiling. I imagine the algorithm like this:

  1. Deleting the{[9] element]}
  2. We shift the rest of the list items (from the left to the deleted item or from the right?)

Or even do so 1. Deleting the{[4] element]}

  1. We go through the entire list until we come across a remote one (NULL)
  2. We transfer the link from the element before the deleted one to the element after the deleted one (bypassing the deleted element itself)
  3. Repeat step 3 until there are no zero elements. Given that the end of the list we do not consider.

Thank you all so much for your help! I discovered a lot of new things in working with pointers. Special thanks

@MichaelPak for pointing out the direction in which to dig and pointing out a specific error and a detailed explanation,

@Mike for scolding me for using an irrational algorithm

@alexolut for suggesting the difference in between ned delete and malloc free

@Vlad from Moscow for a detailed solution to the problem and a cool idea about using an unsigned variable (I did so in the end).

I am very grateful to you, thank you very much!

Author: whalemare, 2015-11-18

3 answers

In principle, you have written everything correctly except for two points.

The first is that the number of the element being deleted cannot be equal to size . size is always one more than the number of the last existing element, since the numbering of the elements starts from 0.

Therefore, instead of the condition

    if ((temp != NULL) && (n <= size) && (n >= 0)) // если по этому номеру что-то лежит и этот элемент внутри списка

You should write

    if ((temp != NULL) && (n < size) && (n >= 0)) // если по этому номеру что-то лежит и этот элемент внутри списка

You would make your life easier if the variable size had an unsigned integer type. In this case, there would be no there is no need to check that n >= 0. You could declare size as having the type unsigned int or, as is usually the case, size_t.

The second is that you are trying to refer to an already deleted element in the sentence

helping->Next = helping->Next->Next;

You should first set the value of the field Next, and only then delete the element.

With that said, the function might look like this

void del(int n) // n - позиция удаляемого элемента
    if ((HEAD != NULL) && (n < size) && (n >= 0)) // если по этому номеру что-то лежит и этот элемент внутри списка
        // Mass - объекты, которые хранятся в списке
        Mass *temp = HEAD, *helping = HEAD;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            helping = temp; // предыдущее значение temp
            temp = temp->Next;

        if (temp == HEAD) // если элемент который надо удалить первый
            HEAD = temp->Next;
            helping->Next = temp->Next;
        cout << "Удаляемый элемент: " << *temp;
        size--; // уменьшаем размер списка
Author: Vlad from Moscow, 2015-11-18 09:42:07

Lists are worse than arrays in that you can't access an element immediately in lists: to do this, you need to go through the previous elements. Therefore, the deletion process looks like this:

  1. You reach the element whose link NEXT points to the element being deleted;
  2. Assign the link NEXT of the deleted element to the link of the previous element;
  3. Deleting an element;
  4. Profit!

So from such a picture:

           +------+    +------+    +------+  
           |данные|    |данные|    |данные|
    \/\/\->+------+    +------+    +------+
           |      |--->|      |--->|  0   |
           +------+    +------+    +------+

It turns out such a:

           +------+    +------+    +------+
           |данные|    |удален|    |данные|
    \/\/\->+------+    +------+    +------+
           |      |    |  0   | .->|  0   |
           +------+    +------+ |  +------+

Your problem is that you first delete the element, and then try to find a link to the next one, that is, helping->Next->Next after deleting it no longer points to the 3rd element. Try to work with the pointers first, and then delete the element.

Author: MichaelPak, 2015-11-18 07:07:35

2 Times to run along the chain is too much. It is better to remember the previous element as you move along the chain.

Mass *temp=HEAD,*prev=NULL;
int i=0;
while(temp && i<n)
  prev=temp; // Запоминаем предыдущий в цепочке
if(!temp) // Элемент не найден
 } else
  if(prev) prev->next=temp->next;
cout << "Удаляемый элемент: " << *temp;
Author: Mike, 2015-11-18 07:23:06