SlimFramework: Method not allowed. Must be one of: GET

I am having difficulty solving an error that is giving in slim framework. I have a contact page that is accessed /p / contact, after accessing and clicking the Submit button, it tries to send the <form> via POST to action = "" only it returns me:

Method not allowed.

Method not allowed. Must be one of: GET

I believe it's because he's thinking it'S GET and I'm sending the form via post.

The configured route that is calling the view is:

   $this->get('/p/{pag_slug}', function($req, $res, $args) {
        $Paginas = (new \App\Models\Pagina);
        $paginas = $Paginas::orderBy('ordem', 'ASC')->get();

        $Informacao = (new \App\Models\Informacao);
        $info = $Informacao::first();

        if ($args['pag_slug'] == 'contato') {
            return $this->view->render($res, 'site/contato.twig', [
                'paginas' => $paginas,
                'info'    => $info,
        $pagina = $Paginas::where('slug', $args['pag_slug'])->first();
        if ($pagina) {
            return $this->view->render($res, 'site/pagina.twig', [
                'paginas' => $paginas,
                'pagina'  => $pagina,
                'info'    => $info,

What I need is to take the data entered in the form via post to the url / p / contact

Author: Comunidade, 2017-03-07

2 answers

In the Slim framework, when setting the route as:

$this->get('/p/{pag_slug}', function($req, $res, $args) {
   // ...

You will be mapping the URL /p/{pag_slug} only to the method GET, so the error of not allowing the method POST. For the same route to accept multiple methods, you can do:

$this->map(['get', 'post'], '/p/{pag_slug}', function($req, $res, $args) {
   // ...

Where the first parameter of the function map defines the list of supported methods.

In the function body, you can get the method of the current request through:

$method = $req->getMethod();

Or check directly through from:

if ($req->isPost()) { ... }

I believe the values coming from the form will be accessible at $req->post({name}).

Your code should look like:

$this->map(['get', 'post'], '/p/{pag_slug}', function($req, $res, $args) {
    $Paginas = (new \App\Models\Pagina);
    $paginas = $Paginas::orderBy('ordem', 'ASC')->get();

    $Informacao = (new \App\Models\Informacao);
    $info = $Informacao::first();

    if ($args['pag_slug'] == 'contato') {

        if ($req->isPost())
            $name = $req->post("name");
            $email = $req->post("email");
            // Envia o e-mail...

        return $this->view->render($res, 'site/contato.twig', [
            'paginas' => $paginas,
            'info'    => $info,

    $pagina = $Paginas::where('slug', $args['pag_slug'])->first();
    if ($pagina) {
        return $this->view->render($res, 'site/pagina.twig', [
            'paginas' => $paginas,
            'pagina'  => $pagina,
            'info'    => $info,

Author: Woss, 2017-03-07 22:54:53

If none of the above solutions work, make sure the Save button is inside the tag, if it is inside Test taking out from inside the tag:

Example Wrong:

    <button class="btn btn-danger " id="salvar"> SALVAR </button>



<button class="btn btn-success " id="salvar"> SALVAR </button>

In this way Run The Post via Ajax after clicking on the id save

Author: lbernardes, 2019-10-21 13:46:14