Software to create Class Diagram [closed]

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I would like to know what software used or if there is any online site for creating class diagrams, could someone point me?

Author: Taisbevalle, 2016-10-11

4 answers

There are several, for download :

I like ArgoUML and Dia, they are pretty simple to use.

Online versions :

I don't use online versions, so I can't state which one is better, but Genmymodel is very well recommended.

Author: Taisbevalle, 2016-10-11 18:32:42

You can use, has several diagram models. It has the Astah free version as well. I recommend using the

Author: Gabriel Hobold, 2016-10-11 18:13:54

I usually use the Day , free and light

Author: GabrielLocalhost, 2016-10-11 18:20:36

There are many, among them stands out:

There is even a tool that allows you to create diagrams from Java code called:

  • BlueJ --> it's been a while since I've used it, but it's a great tool.
Author: Felipe Paetzold, 2016-10-11 18:44:36