Solution to scan documents by browser

I want users digitalizem documentos Direct from browser to then upar Pro Server.

I found APIs that do this but all are paid and the licenses expensive !

Can anyone come up with a solution ? Even if the client has to install some plugin or something that presents the output of a scanner as if it were from a webcam .

Follows a fiddle that presents something similar to what I want: image capture fiddle by browser (ran in mozila)

                          Exemplo que fiz usando o Fiddle

Example I made using Fiddle

This would be a solutionthat meets well and seems to be easier to achieve, but of course if there is a pluginthat directly accesses the scanner even better.

Author: John Diego, 2016-03-05

3 answers

Modern scanners have diverse features and provide APIs. Unfortunately the APIs do not have a standard protocol because each manufacturer defines its own standard. To develop something as you want is gambiarra and even if you can, it may not last long. Maybe it's not even used. A "large" and complex investment for something that may not be useful or return the investment due to the tendency that in the short or medium term the devices will be able to provide a univerval standard in their APIs.

However, this is personal opinion. To better understand, search for TWAIN-compatible devices:

TWAIN is an NPO (Non-profit organization), that is, a non-profit organization. This is a strong attraction and motivates global acceptance.

If you really want to develop such a solution, the path is there because several manufacturers have already adopted it. But make no mistake because the market changes overnight. It may happen that "tomorrow" arises a pattern that may be better accepted than TWAIN.

If you wait for an answer where you can copy and paste ready codes and see everything working without any effort, forget it. It is not a trivial task and, those who have already developed solutions will not provide for free, even more so on forums and question and answer sites.

Author: Daniel Omine, 2016-03-14 02:13:18

There is no simple way to develop a kind of project like this! Only if you rely on the camera of a smartphone rather than a scanner actually said!

You, in such a project, will have problems with scanner drivers and even with the compatibility of the feature with certain browsers.

If you choose to try to continue with this project focusing on scanners, you should research technologies that enable the use of the scanner on the website as some script in Javascript, Python, PHP and etc, or pick up the smartphone camera that integration is much simpler.

Author: Vinicius Mesel, 2016-03-14 01:47:10

I already needed to do this and the only way I found was by creating an activex component and installing it in the browser.

Because of the complexity my client gave up this process and we opted for a simple Upload field.

But the way is this, create an activex component in C # same, install in the browser there yes you get this process.

Good luck

Author: Paulo Féra, 2016-03-13 15:36:25