Sort items from a Collection from a predefined value

I have a Collection from Eloquent and would like to sort it by two fields at once being one of them a predefined value.

Ex.: this Collection has several objects of type Categoria and I want to sort it so that the categories that have the property slug equal to "solicitacoes" are at the beginning and I want the others to be in alphabetical order.

I know that the sort method can receive a callback to sort the collection and I tried to do (among others things) this

$sorted = $categorias->sort(function ($item, $next) {
    return $item->slug === 'solicitacoes' ? -1 :            
           strcmp($item->descricao, $next->descricao);

But the ordering did not work out very well, disregarding the categories with slug = "solicitacoes" was in alphabetical order, the problem is that the aforementioned were not at the beginning.

Author: LINQ, 2017-07-18

2 answers

Using Collection, I replace the sort method with SortBy.

The sortBy method internally causes Laravel to compare the values according to the types, through the sort (something similar to what you did in the question using the sort).

Thus, we can check in sortBy if the value of slug is equivalent to "solicitações". If so, we return NULL so that this item is placed above. Otherwise, we return "descricao" to sort by this field.


$sorted = $categorias->sortBy(function ($item)
     return $item->slug === 'solicitacoes' ? null : $item->descricao;
Author: Wallace Maxters, 2017-07-18 17:12:03

With the method sort and your rule has no how, what should be done is a where and then a union excluding:

$sort = $categorias->where('slug', 'solicitacoes')
            ->union($categorias->where('slug','<>', 'solicitacoes')->sortBy('descricao'))


Author: novic, 2017-07-18 17:07:47