Splitting the plane by the type of Voronoi diagram

Looking for an algorithm similar to the Voronoi diagram, which also, using a set of given points, splits the plane only into triangles of arbitrary shape?

The task is to write a simple fragment shader in the likeness of say this, but only with triangles (polygons).

Of course, you can, for example, "attach" the Delaunay triangulation, but maybe there is something simpler?

Author: Kromster, 2017-07-28

1 answers

It seems that nothing is easier. If you are looking for an algorithm similar to "Voronovsky", then it means that the complexity of building a diag. V. you are approximately satisfied :) So build a D. V. and go to the adjacent structure, get almost a Delaunay triangulation, it remains only to divide the polygons with more than 3 vertices into triangles in an obvious way

Author: vladimir, 2017-09-19 21:04:29