Standard libraries for GUI in C++

Switching from Java to C++. In Java there were standard libraries like AWT, Swing, JavaFX for creating user interfaces.

What is there for this in C++?

Author: αλεχολυτ, 2017-01-12

2 answers

In C++, there are no standard libraries for the GUI.

There are third-party libraries, such as: Qt, wxWidgets, JUCE, Nana, eGUI, etc. As well as proprietary solutions from Microsoft, Borland (now Embarcadero Technologies).

Author: Majestio, 2017-01-12 08:46:24

At the moment, there are really no standard libraries for graphics in C++. You need to use third-party, the list can be viewed on Wikipedia. But now there is a corresponding proposal to add such functionality to the standard part.

For example, on the page of the site dedicated to the standardization of C++, there is such a picture (see the lower right corner):

2D graphics

Draft proposal, entitled as "A Proposal to Add 2D Graphics Rendering and Display to C++ " currently contains 227 (!) pages and is available at link.

Author: αλεχολυτ, 2017-01-12 13:14:25