Steam api. Accept the exchange offer

Hello. Please tell me how to accept the exchange offer programmatically ? All I was able to achieve was to find the active users and pull out their IDs. But how can we implement the adoption of these proposals ? I know that this is possible, there are a lot of sites with such a system, but, unfortunately, there is absolutely no information about this anywhere. Can someone help ?

P.S. I'm making an app for Google Chrome, so you don't need to think about authorization.

Author: Slavik Okara, 2015-07-07

1 answers

So you can accept them with a simple Post request to"tradeId"/accept where tradeId is actually the offer ID.

In the header of the submission, you need to specify:

{"sessionid", ...},
{"serverid", ...},
{"tradeofferid", ...},
{"partner", ...},
{"captcha", ...}

The first two parameters must be stored in the container that is collected during authorization. The third and fourth parameters will be obtained via IEconService, and the captcha, by default, is string. empty

Author: Wayer, 2016-03-30 21:08:11